Saturday, January 18, 2020

Clown Robbery aka. The Inconvenient Truth

When the unwashed masses took to salesmen, it was game over for democracy...

History will say that Trump was the circus clown sent to entertain the masses while what remained of the middle class was robbed blind, in broad daylight. Democracy doesn't work when half the population can be conned over and over again into voting against their own economic interest. All in the name of exceptionally failed mythology...

At the close of the Constitutional Convention back in 1787, Benjamin Franklin was famously asked if the U.S. was now a republic or a monarchy, to which he replied, "A republic, if we can keep it". Two hundred and forty years was a good run. But clearly the Founding Fathers had a foreboding concern this day would come. The day when a venal mob would tear down institutions in order to protect their beloved demagogue. History will say that democracy failed the people, because the people failed democracy.

The U.S. Constitution could not keep 14,000 special interest groups at bay forever. Groups that now view the public trough as their own ATM machine. Private greed first subsumed the Roman Senate and from there it was a short walk down Constitution Avenue to plunder the Treasury. There were no checks and balances because every part of government is now fully under corporate control. The U.S. Supreme Court is now a political device. A testament to moral collapse at the highest levels of American society - Those entrusted with guarding the Constitution, are now merely political hacks in fancy robes, hewing to the party line. Citizens United threw the door wide open to unfettered corruption. History will say it was the final nail in the coffin of American democracy.

"The average American, regardless of political ideology, does not feel represented in our system, and for good reason — they aren’t. Policy outcomes rarely reflect the wishes of the majority of Americans, while the preferences of economic elites greatly influence legislation. This system, where ultra-wealthy donors and special interests exert control over Washington, has been forming since the 1970s, but it was exacerbated by the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court case, which upended former campaign finance limits"

In the 10 years since Citizens United, the biggest effect to the political system has been to “engage and empower the very wealthiest Americans, across the political spectrum,” according to an article in the Los Angeles Times. The Brennan Center for Justice says the ruling created a new political landscape that “favors the super rich above all others.”

The Constitution should have been modified to ensure a cyclically balanced budget. The Swiss have this in their constitution. They have prevented the kind of kleptocracy that is now considered "GDP" in the U.S. 

The dollar reserve currency ultimately gave rise to a sense of invincible profligacy. The belief that the U.S. can run unlimited trade and budget deficits paid for by the entire rest of the world. That viewpoint is now extant. There was more concern over the trade deficit and the budget deficit back in the 1980s than there is today, despite the fact that both deficits dwarf the amounts from that era. Again, wise men knew what was coming. Unbridled profligacy. In the words of Dick Cheney:

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter"

A profligate generation was handed an unlimited credit card.

The true cost of which was not measured in dollars, it was measured in jobs, factories, and industries. All of which has been supplanted by debt and now money printing.

The secrets to effortless wealth. 


When CappuccinoConomy explodes with extreme dislocation, no clowns will be laughing.