Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Age Of Criminals Is Ending

No, they don't see it coming...

Our only protection from record criminality, is record criminality. Those currently being eagerly robbed blind, are merely paying into "the system". Don't expect them to be too happy when they find out they voted for it.


When George W. Bush got elected in 2000, many people were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, despite the fact that his personal and professional life were squalid at best. Maybe he was Born Again, after all. However, after it was revealed that his administration had fabricated the reason to invade Iraq, Bush's re-election in 2004 was no excuse. Pure criminality. Of course, all of his record fraud blew up in their faces in 2008.

Fast forward, and we are seeing the exact same fraud all over again. Except of course 10x worse. Because that's what happens when criminals are not held accountable. They resort to far greater crimes. The fact that Trump's popularity among Republicans is at an all time high, demonstrates the depth of depravity within that party.

Reagan's tax cut raided Social Security and Medicare, both of which were in surplus at the time, the absconded funds were replaced with worthless IOUs. Bush's tax cut did the same thing - took real money from people's paychecks, handed it to billionaires, and replaced it with worthless IOUs. Trump, did the same thing, which is why in this same year that Social Security is no longer in surplus, those worthless IOUs will now require Treasury debt issuance. Because guess what, the IOUs themselves are WORTHLESS. 

"Asked if entitlement cuts would ever be on his agenda, Trump responded, “At some point they will be.”

Only in the United States are deductions from worker paychecks called "entitlements". That's the term criminals use when they are getting set to plunder the Treasury. In every developed nation, those deductions are called retirement programs, and they are protected from criminals.

Now of course, left to the Keystone Kop Democrats, Trump could not only get re-elected, but he would then finish the job of plundering the U.S. Treasury in his rapacious second term. He would certainly get re-elected if the election was today with his approval at record highs, and the Democrats still not knowing who won Iowa. 

However, Trump's criminal abuse of borrowed and printed money, aka. his MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) financial weapon of mass destruction is very similar to GW Bush's subprime WMD - both were born of unfettered criminality. And just as in 2008 I bet with both hands that Bush's WMD would explode, I am betting today with both hands that Donny's WMD will explode. In other words, our only protection from record criminality, is record criminality.

Now that one record over-leveraged stock is powering the Nasdaq to new bubble highs, we can assume we are well along in the process.

Picture Millenials accidentally imploding the super index bubble. Fantastic irony. 

You have to wonder, what kind of people keep electing criminals over and over again. 

Clearly the kind that enjoy being robbed.