Monday, February 24, 2020

Inconvenient Reality Is Closing In On the MAGA Kingdom

Due to Banana Republican corruption, socialism is now the best case scenario. It could get far worse...

For the past decade, sane intelligence has had negative return on investment. That is about to change in a big way. It's time to cash in on Trump Casino. 

What we have learned in the past decade is that insanity is contagious. And very likely lethal. Far more lethal than Coronavirus that's for sure. The last thing we want to do is take a leave of our senses when they are most needed.

Sadly, this old age home has devolved into a tragicomedy. Clearly, the Creator had in mind to humiliate the MAGA Kingdom to the maximum extent possible before obliterating their Disney World of false pretense, rampant denial, and fake-believe delusion. Void of facts and data and fueled by infantile bullshit.

Of course, now that Bernie Sanders is at the top of the polls copious idiots are warning of the perils of "socialism". Remember, in their lexicon socialism and communism are the exact same thing. Soviet Dictatorship. 

The U.S. crossed the "socialist" Rubicon a decade ago when it bailed out Wall Street, and every day since via Monetary policy, which is still stuck at full throttle going nowhere. The first cycle in U.S. history wherein monetary policy was not normalized during what is now the longest expansion in U.S. history. Abject insanity. 

The methods to deride socialism are always the same - they point to some dystopian hell hole such as Venezuela as the future for the United States. In other words, they pick the world's most failed socialist state as an example. They wouldn't point out Canada for instance as another example. Because most Americans would consider Canada to be socialist, but that's not the example the disinformers use. Nor do they use Norway, Finland, Australia, New Zealand or any other well run nation for that matter.

On the subject of America's exceptionally clusterfucked healthcare system, there is a reason why Bernie Sanders or any other "socialist" will have a difficult time remaking the healthcare system into a functioning and efficient model. And it has nothing to do with socialism.

It has to do with the fact that the U.S. has DOUBLE the obesity rate of the OECD countries and DOUBLE the healthcare costs per capita of the developed nations. Despite having a larger uninsured proportion of the population than any other developed nation. All the consequence of American capitalism and consumer choice. The U.S. healthcare system is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the U.S. Meanwhile, tying healthcare to the employer is a disaster in the global economy best known for mass layoffs. Thanks to out-of-control costs and extreme racketeering, the average employer now pays $20k per year for employee health coverage.

Getting back to socialism versus capitalism, what if the roles were reversed and today's so-called capitalists were forced to explain Wall Street bailouts, tax cuts for the rich, and continual monetary bailouts for billionaires. What if the prime example of a true capitalist country for comparison purposes was the Philippines or some other Third World sweatshop. Because exactly, what is the role model country we are now using as this so-called capitalist nirvana?

Disney World?


If a good role model existed then we could make a good comparison. 

In this insane asylum we must always bear in mind what intelligent people would do under the same circumstances that we now face. If only to maintain our insanity while everyone else forfeits theirs to the MAGA Kingdom, until it explodes into a billion pieces.

I call it "What would intelligent people do?"

They wouldn’t hide from the truth
They wouldn’t make continual excuses for extreme greed
They wouldn’t gamble with the planet’s future for corporate profit
They wouldn’t believe that printed money is the secret to effortless wealth
They wouldn’t eat themselves to death
They wouldn’t borrow their children into penury
They wouldn’t rob the poor to pay the rich

And most importantly they wouldn’t trust a known con man for president

Because the price of that lie will be wholly unaffordable for those who indulge in record stupidity.