Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Shock Doctrine 3.0: END GAME

The conservative movement has succeeded in dismantling government to the point at which proper governance no longer exists. This society is now fully at the mercy of the corporate Matrix whose main line of business is to monetize addiction...

Once again, the U.S. comes in dead last with respect to developed nation health outcomes as the COVID crisis revealed the fatal weakness of employer-sponsored healthcare.

It's least there when you most need it.


I know, this is all a communist plot to subvert greatness. The hubris that attends this bloated Idiocracy is by far the greatest threat to its existence:

"Government officials and health experts are leaning on the private sector to lead the U.S. out of a coronavirus surge caused by the highly infectious Delta variant"

Got that? We are now relying on corporations to navigate the U.S. through this ongoing pandemic. The same ones that are monetizing it to the greatest extent possible. This is analogous to the U.S. government handing over management of WWII to the military industrial complex. Is it any wonder why the healthcare sector keeps making new all time highs?

They are sucking this society dry.

At this juncture, the healthy populace that is fully vaccinated remains in deathly fear of the COVID virus. While the least healthy and unvaccinated population exhibits no fear whatsoever. This lowest IQ approach is producing the worst possible outcomes with respect to the economy and public health. And this ongoing disaster falls mainly on small business to the benefit of the large multinational oligopolies which have been gaining market share throughout this pandemic. 

The ones that now own the government.

This is Shock Doctrine 3.0. The first rendition was 9/11 which hid the mass outsourcing of U.S. factories to China. The second edition of course was the Global Financial Crisis which further accelerated the Financialization of the economy. Libertarians should be up in arms at this latest subversion of liberty, but since it's coming from the private sector, it's A-OK. Yet again, they've been easily fooled by sleight of hand.

What does this have to do with the Casino? Good question. This ups the ante on the downside effects of this latest mega bubble. It's clear now that from an economic standpoint, the COVID crisis hid the impending end of cycle, which was beginning to exert downward pressure in late 2019. Now as the various stimuli recede, deflationary forces are once again exerting themselves on the global economy. Bear in mind, that in addition to the threat of monetary tapering, there is the fact that 7.5 million workers will lose unemployment within a few weeks.

"That’s more than five times the 1.3 million people who lost aid in December 2013 as the country walked away from the Great Recession"

The data indicate that the red states which already terminated Federal pandemic unemployment assistance are not seeing the re-employment they expected. Which portends disaster next month. On my recent road trip to Yellowstone, I saw help wanted signs everywhere. No Mexicans to be found.

So once again, economists, the Fed, salesmen, media pundits, and gamblers stand to be wrong when it hurts the most, as they use one time year over year price changes from a locked down economy to rationalize inflation hysteria.

This is the worst headfake "inflation" since they got it wrong last time:

"Buy a car now, before we run out"

"Buy a house now, before we run out"

In summary, in this bailout addicted society, criminality is expected.

Buyer be unaware.