Monday, January 27, 2020


This frenzied MAGA circle jerk has created human history's biggest con job, in the quest to destroy democracy. Sadly, it won't work, but not for lack of lying...

Trump squandered all of the fiscal and monetary stimulus creating human history's biggest asset bubble, which is why confidence in his asset bubble is at a Y2K high. You can't make this shit up. 

The average person today has no idea if this is the greatest economy in twenty years. All they know is what they are told constantly - that this is the greatest economy in U.S. history.

No one in the lamestream media openly questions this fraud. Because to rain on today's confidence parade is not conducive to ad-sponsored popularity. This is human history's greatest example of the emperor has no clothes. Every fool afraid to question the standard narrative for fear of feeling stupid.

Today's gamblers are of the belief that it doesn't matter what drives asset prices higher, so long as asset prices keep going higher. They take their cues from a super asset bubble that everything is going just fine, and then they pump more money into the super asset bubble. Not once stopping to think that maybe valuation matters. Zerohedge and Wall Street have done their part to convince everyone that the central bank safety net will prevent any major dislocation. It didn't work in 2008 and it finally kicked in -20% in 2018, but now drawdowns magically won't exceed -5%:

"this means that the Fed's safety net will prevent a major selloff even if, or rather especially if the coronavirus epidemic results in collapse in economic supply chains and economic devastation"

In other words, the Fed now has the ability to not only create record bubbles, but also to prevent them from ever imploding. The only question for today's Idiocracy, is why didn't anyone try this sooner? This is the type of magical thinking and EXTREME moral hazard one would expect at the end of a decade of non-stop monetary bailouts. The idea that no amount of leverage and speculative risk will be punished. Where have we heard this imagined reality before?

Hugh Hendry, China circa December 2014, just prior to market crash:

"The Chinese state is the largest shareholder in the Chinese financial system. That surely makes its ability to stave off a liquidity crisis pretty much limitless"

If you call a -60% drawdown staved off risk, then that's true.

On the topic of China, that country is seeing its worst GDP growth in 30 years, imploded by the trade war, the swine flu, Hong Kong riots and now a pandemic. Which is coming at the worst possible time. Emerging markets are bidless as Chinese markets are not open this week due to the Lunar Holiday:

"Now for the good news"

This fantastical belief that the U.S. is decoupled from the rest of the world's problems, or better yet the beneficiary of Chinese collapse, is the biggest fantasy of all.

Morgan Stanley specifically favors defensive stocks which have been on a tear lately and are now massively overvalued. The fact that recession stocks are now leading doesn't appear to register as a risk.

"Remarkably, the index is on track for a 7% return for January with a week to go, a 200 basis point beat vs. it’s prior best January return since 2000"

The belief that massively overvalued Utilities can support the entire market in a RISK OFF selloff, is a fantasy. The second smallest sector in the entire market. 

All of which means that unforeseen mega implosion can only come as a super shock to this society. No one has equipped them for what is coming. In fact, according to the same Gallup article above, concerns over the economy are now at a RECORD low.

Risks are at a RECORD high. Concerns at a RECORD low.

Any questions?

"Of the three asset crashes I didn't see coming, I rate this one the highest"

VolPlosion 2.0: Endgame

With the conservative media focused solely on blowing smoke up everyone's asses to rig another election, it falls on us realists to explain how the Trump Super Bubble explodes spectacularly without any warning. As I write, the casino just gapped down due to Coronavirus, as global pandemic presents the latest buying opportunity for the MAGA Kingdom...

"JP Morgan analysts think the coronavirus fears will soon blow over and Wall Street will rush back into stocks"

First, step back for a review: The topping process began two years ago this month with the left shoulder melt-up into VolPlosion 1.0. The circumstances abiding this right shoulder melt-up are eerily reminiscent. Here are the similarities and differences:

January melt-up: In 2018 was due to the tax cut, now due to the Fed Repo madness which reached its peak at the end of 2019

VolPlosion positioning: Similar levels of vol shorts, and similar flattening of volatility curve as spot VIX rises faster than the futures

FOMC: Fear of missing collapse. Similar level of extreme positioning and speculation ahead of a Fed meeting

Davos confab featuring money managers talking up risk in the new year

Earnings reports/stock buyback blackout window

Here is what is different:
The rest of the world is lagging, the Global Dow has not confirmed the S&P/Dow highs
In the U.S., the new Dow highs are unconfirmed by Banks, Autos, Transports, Energy, Retail, and Industrials ex-defense, small caps, average U.S. stock, and entire economy
Global growth is slowing, deflation is rising
Central banks are maxed out
Existential MAGA circle jerk featuring unprecedented lying ahead of the election

The key difference from an implosion standpoint however is that whereas in 2018, the reflation trade peaked in October, this time around it already peaked in December 2019. Which is why banks and energy stocks sat out the January rally.

Which is why we are about a week ahead on implosion versus last time. 

As I write early Monday morning post-open, gamblers are still in BTFD mode in the U.S.

However, Emerging Markets are getting annihilated


No sign of capitulation means the selloff is just getting started...

Breadth worst since August, approaching a 90% down day

Momentum has officially reversed

You know you're an optimist when...

Paradigm Shift: People Before Profits

By not impeaching Trump, the Republican party has forever branded itself the party of Donald Trump. Morally, intellectually, and financially bankrupt. After all, he didn't get himself elected...

Politics comes down to profits versus people. For forty years straight, since the 1980 Reagan revolution, profits have been winning the battle. In the event, Democrats were dragged far to the right as well, as economic McCarthyism became the order of the day. The bastardized term "socialism" has become a useful and yet meaningless pejorative to mean anything that would rebalance the economic equation back to people. Wealth inequality itself is not necessarily bad, UNLESS the system turns into a zero sum game, which the U.S. economy devolved into decades ago. 

Under Trump, the GOP made a whiplash U-turn away from their failed policies of free trade and mass immigration. Both of which have been highly accretive to corporate profit. Now they've become the party of trade wars and closed borders. To be sure, not all factions were onboard. Libertarians and many conservative media outlets found their traditional messaging was now deeply out of synch with the new paradigm. Nevertheless, synthetic prosperity via monetized deficits got them onboard as well.

Of course it was all a scam. The populist president has spent half of his first term eliminating healthcare coverage for working people, and the other half taking wealthy inequality back to 1929 levels by plundering the Treasury. Once again, the GOP successfully figured out how to put profits ahead of people via their Manchurian Candidate.

Be that as it may, we now find ourselves at an interesting juncture in which Bernie Sanders is powering ahead in the polls even as Trump maintains his loyal base. A right-left political divergence unprecedented in U.S. history.

This election will be entirely about putting people before profits. One of these candidates has a proven track record for putting people first, and the other has a track record for putting profits first. Trump's biggest asset is also his biggest liability - human history's biggest mega bubble. Ticking away like a time bomb ahead of the election.

It's interesting that the people who got Trump elected under his fake populist message have not even the slightest clue what it will cost them in the end to believe that delusion. They are after all his greatest supporters. Value voters who are cleft of values and can no longer tell fact from fiction. Which was the ultimate Pyrrhic victory of Faux News, to replace fact with opinion, until such a time as the masses would clamor for opinion over fact. A lethal addiction.

The lesson to put people before profits was overdue a decade ago, but for some reason we had to spend another decade pretending the system works, despite the fact that it had already clearly failed. At this late juncture, Trump's masses are living under the delusion that his Twitter bullshit has fixed the underlying problem. The belief that his soothing lies could repair four decades of criminality by taking criminality to new and unthinkable levels.

America's conservative movement is a spent force, ideologically, politically, and economically. Only they don't understand this. Yet. The fact that they are 90% bought into human history's biggest mega bubble will close the gap on that final conceit.

It's too bad no one could warn them. They don't trust anyone who can be trusted.

They are the party of Trump after all. 

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Promise Of The Joker And The Fool

I decided a long time ago that it's better to be a man before your time than a man after your time. Never more so than in an age of mass insanity. Sadly, in the company of fools, there is no strength in numbers. Today's masses are human call options on Donald Trump...

In an echo chamber of like-minded fools it's very easy to lose one's bearings. Those of us cassandras who've warned of history's largest Ponzi scheme were written off a long time ago. Fair enough. What remains of economic punditry are those who made the conscious decision to go ALL IN on Disney markets and otherwise ignore ALL risk.

Case in point, it seems a lifetime ago that Sunday night futures were tanking on the weekend news that Trump had killed the Iranian commander Soleimani. The (Jan. 6th) Monday morning gap open was the bottom for the week as WWIII got bought with both hands. Two days later, Iran counter-attacked the U.S. base and in the pre-market hours Trump signaled "all clear", at which point the rally accelerated. All of January has been a melt-up ignoring all risk.

The impeachment rally was accelerated by the Iran attack.

The hook is set.

They had a chance to get out, but they remained in the casino for the Keynesian bombing of foreigners

They stayed for the implosion of China.

And smash crash 2.0

They stayed for Y2K 2.0 

And global growth collapse

2008 FinancialPlosion

And 1997 currency crisis

All at the same time. 

People will want to know "how did this happen?". Why didn't anyone see this coming. The fact is that EVERYONE saw it coming. However, ignoring bad news and otherwise being a perma-optimist has become a major feature of this society.

Those of us who still recount risk, were long ago written off as permanent cassandras. Which is how risk has grown unchecked amid rampant complacency. In the age of central bank alchemy, we could not compete. Every fool knows that printed money is the secret to effortless wealth. Combined with an election year, it's no surprise that the truth didn't stand a chance.

World economic uncertainty hit a new record high in the fourth quarter of 2019 just as the RISK ON melt-up was accelerating. What can be more bullish than record uncertainty?

Today's gamblers are attracted to risk like moths to a flame, because to them it means more monetary dopium: 

This manic reach for risk in the face of record uncertainty can only make sense in the context of moral hazard:

mor·al haz·ard
"lack of incentive to guard against risk where one is protected from its consequences"

Economists are well acquainted with this commonsense concept, nevertheless, it's just one more principle they've wholesale abandoned to their newfound belief in printed money. The extreme irony that central bank induced moral hazard eliminated all consideration for moral hazard, leaves a new definition:

"The incentive to forget moral hazard when one's own assets are being bid up by free money" 

I don't know if this Coronavirus is going to spread worldwide and cause epidemic panic, all I know is that there is no way markets are priced for that risk.

China has been imploding off and on for several years now. This could very well be the final nail in the coffin for that country from an economic perspective. The fact that Trump has made an entire platform out of imploding the second largest economy is risk #1 for global investors. Not only thoroughly ignored, but actively embraced as an economic strategy. His success will be measured by global meltdown.  

Make no mistake, we are living in an insane asylum run by total idiots. It's all just part of the scene to write off cassandras as permanent pessimists. Ignoring risk is just part of being "cool" nowadays. Nevertheless, the grasshoppers will soon learn that risks can be delayed temporarily, but not denied forever. 

Based upon today's record complacency and leverage and record risk, you can fully expect this will be a lesson they will never forget.

I've said the exact same thing for over ten years now - This Ponzi scheme can only end extremely badly. I believe a decade was more than enough time for ANYONE to prepare for the inevitable. 

From a Darwinian standpoint, clearly not everyone was meant to see this coming. 

Freedom is entirely wasted on those who don't think for themselves. Which is why the freedom movement has never caught on politically. We live in a society that is brainwashed for conformity from birth. Unfortunately, when you live in a society of fools, conformity can be lethal.

In the end, no one will believe that they sleepwalked into this much risk. Just going with the flow of mass buffoonery.

Impeached By Implosion

The Trump circle jerk reached a fevered pitch this week, as 89% of Banana Republicans now approve of this unprecedented corruption. They are voting with their wallets as record capital is now leveraged to Trump Casino...

Since Trump's own den of thieves won't remove him from office, it falls on his MMT Financial Weapon of Mass Destruction to do the heavy lifting. Detonation sequence has been initiated. There is now a ubiquitous belief within the Republican Party that non-stop lying has no cost associated with it. We are about to test that hypothesis:

The stakes have never been higher, as Trump has cleaved this country like never before. You either believe this guy is the saviour or the Anti-Christ, there is no middle ground. The fact that this Super Clown is a showcase for ALL that is wrong with America, shows how far down the Road to Perdition the GOP has sprinted behind their beloved pussy grabber.

"The fact that the 10 most polarized years have all occurred in the past 16 years -- affecting both Democratic and Republican presidents -- underscores how politically polarized the nation has become"

89% of Republicans approve of this criminal.

Who can they blame when this all explodes, but the dunce looking back at them in the mirror. What GW Bush couldn't Mission Accomplish, this known fraud will finish. 

In other words, my prediction for 2020 is on track. Panic and rioting the next stop. 

Trump's impeachment circus was only half the usual spectacle this week. Ponzified billionaires in Davos were tripping over themselves extolling the Trump super bubble and the last chance to get in before meltdown. Hedge fund titan Ray Dalio who famously derided cash two years ago at Davos right before VixPlosion 1.0, said the exact same thing all over again this week, "cash is trash". 

Of course, the "Black swan" event of the week was the burgeoning Coronavirus in China. Now spreading worldwide. Emerging Markets and in particular Chinese stocks led the way down. All of which comes at a bad time for markets, as the Chinese Lunar New Year begins this week. The worst performing stocks cross-listed in U.S. markets, will now be bidless. 

Over in the UK, Boris Johnson signed the articles of Brexit and declared a fantastic moment for disintegration. Judging by his dishevelment it couldn't have come a minute too soon.

Getting back to Trump Casino, gamblers were finally reminded this week that one-way markets go down sometimes. The headline on Friday morning indicated the longest overbought stretch in almost FIVE DECADES:

" looked at how many times the S&P 500 has closed below its 10-day moving average over the past 70 days, a time frame used because it entails the time since the Federal Reserve started expanding the bond holdings on its balance sheet.

The result is that the index has had just five such closings over the period, the lowest going back to 1972, or some 48 years"

Which is where this gets interesting, because the Fed balance sheet had a major drawdown this week. Picture record extreme positioning, 48-year overbought condition, Fed balance sheet withdrawal, and stock buyback blackout all at the same time. Because that's what we are seeing now. Speculators are piled into a casino with no exit:

All of which means that the level of risk right now is ludicrous, however because the party of fraud must propagate non-stop delusion, the masses remain wholly ignorant.

Banks got pounded this week, as the reflation trade rolled over hard.

Bond yields imploded...

Big Pharma rolling over

Global Dow has gone nowhere since the last VixPlosion:

A moonshot in Intel saved Tech from implosion, however semiconductors rolled over this week:

My supposition is that the epic short-covering that attends the end of the cycle, is now over. The great "value rotation" won't survive lower bond yields and recession.

The fact that Utilities led this week should not be taken as a positive sign. It's the final rotation.

The Fed sponsored two risk on rallies in the past year. First via their interest rate "pivot" in early 2019, which ran out of steam in the second quarter, and the second rally began with their Trump repo bailout. We can clearly see the two rallies via banks. The bond market never believed any of it.

Something about tax cuts for the rich is not reflationary, which we learned the hard way in late 2018. Something about monetized tax cuts for the rich that is also not reflationary.

A lesson that will be learned right now. 

"Alarm bells are sounding in volatility markets amid a set-up that traders warn has some resemblance to the period preceding the February 2018 risk rout"

“This January VIX settlement is looking similar to January 2018 in that the new front month VIX spread between February and March is going to dramatically shrink the level of contango"


In summary, you can be ignorant or you can be arrogant. But you can't be both, on a biblical scale.